PT JCSS Management Consulting

Menara Karya, Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12950
12950 DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Permintaan informasi

PT JCSS Management Consulting Biodata Perusahaan

Informasi umum

JCSS began its journey with one core promise: Delivering Transparency. Companies needed an advisor to understand their requirements, anticipate their dynamic needs and decipher the complex web of regulations, thereby providing solutions transparently.
During our journey, we interacted, learnt and expanded our operations across the world, in the process building valuable relationships with more than 400 organizations. However, we have however stayed true to our core promise of delivering solutions transparently. Along the way we also built a team of people who subscribe to our credo, carrying forward our endeavor to deliver better than promised.

Penawaran perusahaan

JCSS began its journey with one core promise: Delivering Transparency. Companies needed an advisor to understand their requirements, anticipate their dynamic needs and decipher the complex web of regulations, thereby providing solutions transparently.
During our journey, we interacted, learnt and expanded our operations across the world, in the process building valuable relationships with more than 400 organizations. However, we have however stayed true to our core promise of delivering solutions transparently. Along the way we also built a team of people who subscribe to our credo, carrying forward our endeavor to deliver better than promised.

Perusahaan sangat menantikan

Core Values
JCSS is guided by the ancient Indian wisdom of conducting business transparently and mutually prosperous relationships..

Transparency: The core promise of “transparency” is the trigger which initiated JCSS. We understand the criticality of transparency in business, and the positive consequence thereafter in the commercial world.

Relationship: Indian management principles that guide us to look at HR as Human Relationships. This gives stability to our services. We believe that a productive relationship cannot arise only through contractual relationships but also outside of them.

Prosperity: Our endeavor is to bring to you all encompassing wellness.
At JCSS, we strive to deliver transparency, through relationships which result in a more stable path to sustained and shared prosperity.

Menara Karya, Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12950 DKI Jakarta

Jam buka
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
Nomor telepon
Situs web
Tahun pendirian
Formulir kegiatan
Bentuk hukum
Perusahaan asing
Kata kunci
Corporate Advisory, Cyber Assurance & ISA Risk Advisory, Taxation

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