Pabrik Aksesoris Toko & Minimarket |

Pergudangan Safe n Lock blok V4, Rangkah Kidul, Sidoarjo
61234 Jawa Timur, Indonesia
200 tempat parkir
Permintaan informasi

Perusahaan serupa dengan Pabrik Aksesoris Toko & Minimarket |

Minyak Goreng Bawang Berlian Jawa Timur
Jalan Jepara 12, Jawa Timur
Bengkel Mesin Es & Ruangan Pendingin Jawa Timur
ketindan, lawang, malang, Wonorejo Lawang, Jawa Timur
Sambel Pecel Karangsari Jawa Timur
Jalan Cemara 153, Jawa Timur

Produk dari perusahaan Pabrik Aksesoris Toko & Minimarket |

Daftar Harga / Menu

Convenience Store Shelf

  • Single Shelf
  • Double Shelf
  • Island Racking

Warehouse Shelf

  • Mini
  • Medium
  • Heavy Duty

Rak Minimarket - Single

  • Single (23h 55min)
  • Double (23h 55min)
  • End Rack (23h 55min)

Pabrik Aksesoris Toko & Minimarket | Biodata Perusahaan

Informasi umum

Latoko is a subsidiary of PT. I love my Indonesia.

Is a manufacturer and distributor of quality and reliable gondola shelving and minimarket equipment in Indonesia.

Latoko serves the needs of minimarket shelves and supermarket shelves in various major cities in Indonesia, Jabodetabek, Semarang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bali, Samarinda, Pontianak, etc.

As an online shopping center with safe and reliable transactions, our products and services are a solution to the furniture needs of Retail, Office, Industrial and Warehousing Businesses.

One of the retail equipment that we provide is in the form of Indomaret shelves, Alfamart or Alfamidi shelves for Convenience Stores, Minimarkets, Supermarkets, Hypermarkets and Wholesalers.

In addition, we also provide a variety of Cashier Tables, Cigarette Racks, Trolleys, Accessories, POP, Locker Cabinets for office needs, Lockers, and Warehouse Shelves.

All products use a knock-down system that is precise and easy to set up, a modular structure that makes it easy both for floor plans and for adding components when needed.

Our products have various standard sizes and complete accessories to support product presentation.

Penawaran perusahaan

Apart from specializing in procuring and manufacturing minimarket shelves, we also serve the needs of supermarket shelves and equipment for other retail businesses such as supermarkets, pharmacies, cooperatives, babyshops, plastic shops, gift and souvenir shops, accessories shops, oil companies, libraries, convenience stores. shoes, book and stationery stores, clothing stores, electronics stores, glassware stores, warehouse shelving, and many more.

Perusahaan sangat menantikan

Pabrik Aksesoris Toko & Minimarket | LATOKO.ID

Pergudangan Safe n Lock blok V4, Rangkah Kidul, Sidoarjo Jawa Timur

Jam buka
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
Perusahaan memiliki tempat parkir dengan kapasitas sekitar 200 tempat.
Nomor telepon
Situs web
Tahun pendirian
Formulir kegiatan
Bentuk hukum
Kata kunci
rak minimarket, rak toko, rak gondola

Pabrik Aksesoris Toko & Minimarket | Ulasan & Peringkat

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