Jl. Wisata komplek Jcity Ruko Jsquare, Pangkalan Masyhur, Medan Johor, Medan City, North Sumatra
20146 Medan, Indonesia
Permintaan informasi

M3BIKESHOP Biodata Perusahaan

Informasi umum

M3bikeshop has a mission to become the best modern bicycle outlet network with a complete selection of quality products at reliable and competitive prices, professional service, and continuous improvement to develop convenient bicycle outlet for consumers. we never stop improving our world-class operations by putting our customers first - and their needs.

And we believe that it is our aim is to attract likeminded people who have a similar passion for cycling and can contribute to improving the company's performance give professional support and service and which will encourage people to try and take up bicycling as a way of life. Our focus was solving the problems that we our self have faced as customer.

Unlike other online retailers, we believe in only advertising products we physically have in our store. Your purchase usually ships the same day it is placed so that you are ready for your big race or for your Sunday ride.

Jl. Wisata komplek Jcity Ruko Jsquare, Pangkalan Masyhur, Medan Johor, Medan City, North Sumatra Medan

Nomor telepon
Situs web
Tahun pendirian
Formulir kegiatan
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Kata kunci
Bicycles, Road Bikes, Mountain Bikes

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