Phoenix Rehab Bali

Jalan Tirta Akasa No. 08 B Sanur Kauh
80227 Denpasar, Indonesia
5 tempat parkir

Phoenix Rehab Bali Biodata Perusahaan

Informasi umum

Phoenix Rehab Bali is an affordable drug and alcohol rehab located in Bali, Indonesia, we offer the services of, Private Recovery Coaching and a separate Private Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Handling someone who is affected by drug and alcohol addiction problems requires patience and appropriate and effective action, the Phoenix Rehab Bali team has it all.

We always provide the best service and rehabilitation system for all clients while maintaining confidentiality in every rehabilitation process that we provide.

Phoenix Rehab Bali is also able to offer Clinical Therapeutic support and assessments for the treatment of psychological trauma, as well as any other mental health disorders, including depression and anxiety.

Penawaran perusahaan

Phoenix Rehab Bali offers effective and efficient concept treatments for individuals from around the world who suffer from addiction and problem substance use. Our professional team includes experienced and qualified staff from Indonesia, Australia and the UK who are competent in their fields and share a passion for helping others overcome drug and alcohol problems.

Perusahaan sangat menantikan

Phoenix Rehab Bali also offers a range of specialized services for the treatment of psychological trauma as well as mental health issues including depression and anxiety.

Jalan Tirta Akasa No. 08 B Sanur Kauh Denpasar

Jam buka
08:00 - 16:00
8:00 - 16:00
8:00 - 16:00
8:00 - 16:00
8:00 - 16:00
8:00 - 16:00
8:00 - 16:00
Buka info
Appointment can be requested
Perusahaan memiliki tempat parkir dengan kapasitas sekitar 5 tempat.
Situs web
Tahun pendirian
Formulir kegiatan
Bentuk hukum
pusat rehabilitasi narkoba kesehatan mental psikoterapis

Phoenix Rehab Bali Ulasan & Peringkat

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