Perusahaan serupa dengan SUPRA International Indonesia
Produk dari perusahaan SUPRA International Indonesia
SUPRA International Indonesia Biodata Perusahaan
Informasi umum
We are helping our clients achieve superior results
The continuity and future success of any business are impacted by the availability, cost, and quality of water at many points along the ‘value chain’, including ‘upstream’ (in the production and supply of raw materials), ‘midstream’ (in what businesses make from raw materials or other pre-processed inputs), and ‘downstream’ (clients need water, and everyone needs water to be treated and recycled). SUPRA provides an integrative professional approach, superior expertise, and high quality services for water resources management. The services will be core to our customer’s ability to differentiate through performance. We will achieve this with highly engaged employees and extremely loyal clients.
At SUPRA we pride ourselves on working with clients in a collaborative way, offering designs, solutions and ways of working that are to the benefit of all, be that in time saved, financial value or environmental protection. Our pursuit of developing optimal solutions for clients leads to the securing of stable operation and long-term water sustainablilty for our clients We work everywhere from Aceh to Nusa Tenggara Timur, providing state of the art services and partnering with our clients on managing the complexity, cost, and risk of water resources and supply to improve the competitiveness of our client business
Penawaran perusahaan
Evaluating the true cost of water
Better management of water resources is a growing interest for many businesses as they seek to cut costs, mitigate risks, and reduce their opportunity lost from water related issue. SUPRA recognize that every businesses needs all proper water management, clean water supply and good water efficiency to be able to operate. We offers comprehensive and integrated solutions for government agencies, commercial and municipal water suppliers, as well as industrial facilities, agricultural, and energy companies.
Providing water for your business : developing a corporate water management strategy for clients
The phrase “total cost of ownership” was omnipresent throughout every industry. One of the best ways to reduce total cost of ownership is by taking proactive steps to assure the sustainability of the water supply. Companies are developing water management strategies for multiple reasons. More efficient use of water resources results in lower operating costs, a more reliable water supply, and improved water quality. Additionally, factors such as drought, population growth, and changing watersheds due to climate change are putting pressure on available water sources. This can lead to higher costs and increases the risk that limits could be placed on water supplies in highly stressed regions.
As a comprehensive water resources management company, SUPRA assist decision makers in developing and implementing comprehensive solutions and action plans to successfully address the water issues that really matter for client’s business operational. Our approach as a primary comprehensive water resources management service company in Indonesia to a wide cross-section of clients is to help our clients maximizing business and operational challenges as well as leading the way to a sustainable water management and utilization
Perusahaan sangat menantikan
The well we drill today is our reputation tomorrow
SUPRA portfolio of well drilling, construction, completion, and maintenance services enables us to design comprehensive water well feasibility asessestment as asset and investation that reduce costs in the short and long term operational need. In all cases it is essential that the wells have the correct design in terms of location, depth, screen level, filter design and pumping system. If these aspects are not engineered to high standards then poorly performing and uneconomic wells may result.
The well design planning includes the selection of suitable materials, the size of the components (diameter, wall thickness) and the size of the screen slot widths. In order to achieve the best and optimal design, we work very closely with our clients for ensuring well planned design for each clients. This is very important when it comes to construct wells of greater depth or diameter, since the larger the dimensions, the greater the use of materials, which increases the investment costs.
We optimize the material specification and the investment cost needed by calculating the optimal screen placement, material combinations, and pump selection which require careful calculation. SUPRA drills using integrated method, according to national standards and take international standards into account with prior underground water study and exploration. It includes literature study, geophysics, geological survey and field mapping.
SUPRA has drilled numerous wells for various purposes to clients’ satisfaction. During this time, SUPRA could, and still can, always benefit from its decades of experience and its knowledge of well drilling and construction. This enables the us to carry out drilling and completion professionally even in the most difficult project. As a leading nationwide water well drilling operator, we operate everywhere from Aceh to Nusa Tenggara Timur. We are providing state of the art services and partnering with our clients on managing the complexity, cost, and risk of water resources and supply to improve the competitiveness of our client business.
As an EPC, SUPRA offers an integrated well drilling and groundwater engineering services, including:
Design – Evaluating geological and hydrogeological studies, water resource assessments and the design of water wells
Drilling and Constructing – As professional drilling contractors and consultant. we ensure proper drilling technique and installation of wells by high quality materials, to ensure the best delivery to our client
Maintenance and rehabilitation – Rehabilitation services for groundwater well, either in response to operational problems, or as part of a planned pro-active maintenance regime
SUPRA is striving to achieve the best result possible for each and every client. This is possible only by using modern, well maintained drilling rigs and associated equipment and by having responsible, safety-conscious employees for the company’s operations, even when being confronted with the most difficult conditions. Our strong commitment to innovation is reflected in the technologies we brought to market throughout the year. By adopting technologies that address specific challenges, we enable our clients to achieve their objectives more efficiently and profitably
Jalan Merdeka 1 Bandung
- Jam buka
Senin:8:00 - 16:30Selasa:8:00 - 16:30Rabu:8:00 - 16:30Kamis:8:00 - 16:30Jumat:8:00 - 16:30
- Nomor telepon
- Situs web
- Tahun pendirian
- 1971
- Formulir kegiatan
- Kategori
- kontraktor pengeboran sumur kontraktor kontraktor pengeboran
- Kata kunci
- Pengeboran Air, Pengeboran, Sumur
Dokumen dari SUPRA International Indonesia
SUPRA portfolio of well drilling, construction, completion, and maintenance services enables us to design comprehensive water well feasibility asessestment as asset and investation that reduce costs in the short and long term operational need. In all cases it is essential that the wells have the correct design in terms of location, depth, screen level, filter design and pumping system. If these aspects are not engineered to high standards then poorly performing and uneconomic wells may result. The well design planning includes the selection of suitable materials, the size of the components (diameter, wall thickness) and the size of the screen slot widths. In order to achieve the best and optimal design, we work very closely with our clients for ensuring well planned design for each clients. This is very important when it comes to construct wells of greater depth or diameter, since the larger the dimensions, the greater the use of materials, which increases the investment costs. We optimize the material specification and the investment cost needed by calculating the optimal screen placement, material combinations, and pump selection which require careful calculation. SUPRA drills using integrated method, according to national standards and take international standards into account with prior underground water study and exploration. It includes literature study, geophysics, geological survey and field mapping. SUPRA has drilled numerous wells for various purposes to clients’ satisfaction. During this time, SUPRA could, and still can, always benefit from its decades of experience and its knowledge of well drilling and construction. This enables the us to carry out drilling and completion professionally even in the most difficult project. As a leading nationwide water well drilling operator, we operate everywhere from Aceh to Nusa Tenggara Timur. We are providing state of the art services and partnering with our clients on managing the complexity, cost, and risk of water resources and supply to improve the competitiveness of our client business.
A drill ed w ell co nsi sts of a hole bored i nto the ground, with t he upp er part bei ng lined with casi ng. The casing pr events t he collapse of the bor ehol e wall s and (grout seal) pr events surfac e or sub surfac e co ntami nant s from ent ering the water supply. T he casi ng also provides a housing for a p umpi ng mec hanism and for the pipe that moves wat er from the p ump to the surface. Drilled wells ar e co nstruct ed by rotarydrilling rig. Drilled well s that penetrate unco nsolid ated material req uire i nstall ation of casi ng and a scr een to prev ent inflow o f sedim ent and coll apse. They c an be drilled more than 300 meter s d eep. T he sp ace around the casi ng m ust b e seal ed with grouting mat erial of either neat cement or b entonit e clay to prevent co ntamination by water draining from t he surface downward around the o utsi de of the casing.
Sumur yang dibor terdiri dari lubang yang dibor ke tanah, dengan bagian atasnya dilapisi dengan casing. Casing mencegah runtuhnya dinding lubang bor dan (grout seal) mencegah kontaminan permukaan atau bawah permukaan memasuki pasokan air. Casing juga menyediakan wadah untuk mekanisme pemompaan dan untuk pipa naik pompa yang memindahkan air dari pompa ke permukaan. Sumur bor dibangun dengan rig pengeboran jenis rotari. Sumur bor yang menembus material yang tidak terkonsolidasi membutuhkan pemasangan casing dan screen untuk mencegah masuknya sedimen dan keruntuhan. Sumur bisa dibor lebih dari 300 meter. Ruang di sekitar casing harus ditutup dengan bahan grouting dari semen yang rapi atau tanah liat bentonit untuk mencegah kontaminasi oleh air yang mengalir dari permukaan ke bawah di sekitar bagian luar casing. Berdasarkan pada litologi, SUPRA melakukan semua metode pengeboran: penggunaan direct rotary flush, pengangkatan udara air lift drilling, pemboran coring atau ke DTH memungkinkan untuk menyesuaikan dengan kondisi yang beragam. Ini hanya mungkin dengan menggunakan rig pengeboran modern dan terawat dengan baik serta peralatan terkait dan dengan memiliki staff yang bertanggung jawab dan sadar keselamatan untuk operasi perusahaan, bahkan ketika dihadapkan pada kondisi yang paling sulit. Komitmen kuat kami terhadap inovasi tercermin dalam teknologi yang kami bawa ke pasar sepanjang tahun. Dengan mengadopsi teknologi yang menangani tantangan tertentu, kami memungkinkan klien kami untuk mencapai tujuan mereka dengan lebih efisien dan menguntungkan. Sumur air komersial biasanya mencakup sumur industri, irigasi, dan pasokan air utama. Tujuan utama saat mengebor sumur komersial adalah untuk memastikan bahwa formasi tetap stabil dan mampu dipompa pada hasil air yang efisien dan maksimum. Penting dalam membangun sumur air komersial agar stabilitas jangka panjang dan efisiensi operasi tidak terganggu oleh penghematan biaya yang tidak hati-hati. Faktor penting lainnya yang harus dipertimbangkan termasuk: memilih ukuran casing berdasarkan hasil yang diinginkan atau potensial dan ukuran pompa yang dibutuhkan; memilih panjang screen yang sesuai dengan ketebalan akuifer yang disadap; pemilihan ukuran slot screen dan ukuran gravel pack berdasarkan analisis gradasi bahan akuifer; memilih diameter dan panjang screen yang akan menghantarkan air pada kecepatan masuk yang rendah; memilih diameter lubang yang besar; dan memilih material kerikil yang bulat dan bersih.
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