plastic fabrication company di Bekasi, Jawa Barat
Tentang hasil 61.
RT.10 / RW.3, Semper Timur, Cilincing, RT.10/RW.3, 14130 Kota Jkt Utara, Indonesiadescription here
PT King Plastic
Leader in Plastic Blow Molding and Injection Molding in the South East Asia (SEA) region , with presence in Singapore , Malaysia , Indonesia and Vietnam.
PT. Wahana Duta Jaya Rucika
Kerawang, Sukadanau, Cikarang Barat, 17520 Bekasi, IndonesiaRUCIKA, pipa air dan sambungan pipa PVC terlengkap berstandar dan berkualitas internasional dengan beragam keunggulan dan harga yang bersaing.
Botol Plastik Baru di Bekasi
Jalan Siliwangi - Narogong KM. 5, Bojong Rawalumbu, 17116 Kota Bks, IndonesiaJual botol plastik 80ml, 200ml,botol plastik 300ml ,botol plastik 330ml,botol plastik 500ml ,botol plastik 600ml , botol plastik 630 ml ,botol plastik1000ml ,botol plastik 1500ml, botol kangen wa…
Jalan Lampiri 3, 13450 Kota Jakarta Timur, IndonesiaJUAL PALLET PLASTIK MURAH 100 RIBU HUB 0818896059
Ori Polytec Composites
Integrated Solution for your needs
Precision Sansyu Indonesia
Jalan Ciujung, Sukaresmi, Cikarang Selatan, 17550 Bekasi, IndonesiaPioneer of The Precision World
PT. Deltapack Industri
Jl. Inti III Blok C7 No. 7, Cikarang Selatan, 17530 Bekasi, IndonesiaPT Deltapack Industri was established in 2002 by a team of engineers and professionals who have a decade of experience in plastics components manufacturers for catering the Japanese electronics a…
PT. Global Shinsei Indonesia
Sukaresmi, Cikarang Selatan, Sukaresmi, Cikarang Selatan, 17550 Bekasi, IndonesiaGlobal Network of Shinsei Kagaku Kougyo Co., Ltd.
PT. Natura Kemasan Raharja Industri
Jalan Timor 8, 17530 Bekasi, IndonesiaNKRI is Paper Honeycomb Product manufacturer & supplier in Indonesia while contributing to the nature through our specialized recyclable and lightweight product.