Grad Wealth (Pty) Ltd

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Room 25, Ground Floor, Baker Square Office Block 1, De Beers Avenue, Paardevlei
7130 Somerset West, South Africa
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Grad Wealth (Pty) Ltd Informasi Perusahaan

Informasi umum

Grad Wealth (Pty) Ltd. is a marketing consulting and events management business focusing primarily on the co-hosting and sponsorship of various university-related social events, as well as top tier cultural and sporting bodies.

The secondary objective of Grad Wealth is to establish and build ongoing relationships with young graduated professionals in order to promote the value propositions of a portfolio of partner service and product providers.

Grad Wealth (Pty) Ltd. is not an authorised financial services provider and therefore does not render financial services, nor does its representatives provide financial advice and/or intermediary services on behalf of the entity.

The concept of "Grad Wealth" was born, as one would expect, from its founders being young professionals at one point entering the corporate work place and investigating the options of engaging with and/or potentially supporting a suite of niche product and service providers. This process was not as straightforward as we initially anticipated and through our own struggles realised that professionals, like us, need a like-minded ally in this instance.

- Marketing Consulting
- Recruiting and Placements
- Events Planning
- Sponsorships

Room 25, Ground Floor, Baker Square Office Block 1, De Beers Avenue, Paardevlei Somerset West

Jam buka
08:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 17:00
Perusahaan memiliki tempat parkir.
Nomor telepon
Tautan ke
Akun Sosial

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