concrete product supplier in Cikarang Timur Bekasi

About 30 results.

Adhimix Precast Indonesia. PT - Plant Cibitung

PT. Adhimix Precast Indonesia has grown to become the most reliable sources for national class readymix and precast concrete in Indonesia. As one of major supplier readymix concrete without affil…

Semen Mortar SuperMix

Rukan Rose Garden Blok RRG5 No.81, Kawasan Grand Galaxy City, Jaka Setia, Bekasi Selatan, 17147 Bekasi City, Indonesia

Pabrik Distributor yang Jual Semen Mortar Instan Harga Murah di Jakarta dan Bandung

PT Mapei Indonesia Construction Products

Jalan Meranti Blok L1 No 6, Cikarang Selatan, Cikarang Selatan, Sukaresmi, 17530 Bekasi, Indonesia

MAPEI is worldwide leader in products for building industry, adhesive, sealants and chemical products for construction

CV. Mitra Solusi Konstruksi

CV. Mitra Solusi Konstruksi fokus pada penjualan berbagai kebutuhan beton precast seperti U ditch, Box Culvert, Pagar Beton panel dan kolom, Kanstin, Paving Block dan juga kebutuhan material lain…

Rani Block

Rawa Kalong, Karang Satria, Tambun, 17510 Bekasi, Indonesia

Berdiri sejak tahun 2005, Rani Block memproduksi Paving Block Press Hydrolic Tekanan Tinggi (K300 – K500) dengan harga murah dan kualitas terbaik. Melayani pengiriman : Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tan…

Beton Cor Tambun

Jalan Mekar Sari 27, 17510 Bekasi, Indonesia

PT. Hume Concrete Indonesia

Jalan Jababeka Raya V Blok G, Harja Mekar, Cikarang Utara, 17530 Bekasi, Indonesia


Cileungsi, 16820 Bogor, Indonesia

PT. SCG Readymix Indonesia (Jayamix) Plant CILINCING

RT.1/RW.3, 14130 Kota Jkt Utara, Indonesia

PT.Siam Indo Gypsum Industry

Cikarang Barat, RT.2/RW.2, 17530 Kota Jakarta Timur, Indonesia

Sika Indonesia

Limusnunggal, Cileungsi, Limus Nunggal, Cileungsi, 16820 Bogor, Indonesia


Padurenan, Mustikajaya, 16340 Kota Bekasi, Indonesia

Beton Cor Readymix Concrete Murah Harga Cor Beton Per Kubik Bekasi, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Jakarta, harga ready mix concrete murah per m3, per kubik, harga mini mix murah Bekasi cikarang Bantar…


Jalan Meranti Blok L1 No. 6, 17530 Bekasi, Indonesia

MAPEI is worldwide leader in products for building industry, adhesive, sealants and chemical products for construction


Marga, Marga Mulya, Bekasi Utara, 17142 Kota Bks, Indonesia

Let Ace Hardware provide you with great hardware products and advice from our official online home. Whether you are looking for paint, lawn & garden supplies, hardware or tools, Ace Hardware has…

Holcim Batching Plant Cibitung

Jalan Raya Inspeksi Kalimalang, 17510 Bekasi, Indonesia

LafargeHolcim is the leading global building products & solutions company serving masons, builders, architects & engineers worldwide. Our cement, aggregates & ready-mix concrete are used in a wid…

PT. Preformed Line Products Indonesia

Jalan Jababeka III 1, 17530 Bekasi, Indonesia

Preformed Line Products (PLP) is a worldwide designer, manufacturer and supplier of high quality cable anchoring and control hardware and systems, fiber optic and copper splice closures, and high…

PT. Semen Indonesia Beton Plant Cikarang

Jalan H Nibon, 17530 Bekasi, Indonesia

Tabel Grafik Status Value Tanggal Apr 13, 2018 Buka 10,200.00 Tinggi 10,300.00 Rendah 10,075.00 Tutup 10,125

Basf Construction Chemicals Indonesia. PT

Homepage of


Kec. Rawa Mambu Bekasi Jawa Barat, 17116 Bekasi City, Indonesia

Let Ace Hardware provide you with great hardware products and advice from our official online home. Whether you are looking for paint, lawn & garden supplies, hardware or tools, Ace Hardware has…

Axalta Coating Systems

Jalan Jababeka III 35, 17530 Bekasi, Indonesia

DuPont and its partners use science-driven innovation to nourish a growing population, build a secure energy future and make the world a safer place.


Jl. MH Thamrin No. 62, GF, Kel. Cibatu, Kec. Cikarang Selatan, 17550 Bekasi, Indonesia

Let Ace Hardware provide you with great hardware products and advice from our official online home. Whether you are looking for paint, lawn & garden supplies, hardware or tools, Ace Hardware has…